Completing Dribble Challenge #2: An Intermediate Guide

 Hi all, today I'll be sharing some tips and tricks on how to complete Rocket League's custom map Dribble Challenge #2. For those who do not know, Dribble Challenge #2 is a special training map where you complete a dribbling obstacle course. You can get it through Steam:

Even though I am only Champ 1 and still have lots to work on, I can say that the Dribble Challenge #2 workshop map helped me learn how to dribble and flick at a much faster rate than if I had just stuck with free play and normal custom training.

Below I'll share some advice that I wish I knew when attempting this course.

Level 1 to 4

Pretty straightforward. Balance ball on top of car, drive. At about halfway through, flick the ball to the checkpoint.

Level 5

Flick the ball to the checkpoint instead of turning the 2nd corner.

Level 6

Make sure to start out supersonic. Carry the ball to as close to the left edge as possible. If you're fast enough, you'll be able to squeeze by the moving wall instead of slowing down and waiting for it to turn.

Level 7

Quickly dribble to the right past the first wall, then wait for the second to turn and pass it on the left side.

Level 8

You don't have to land and catch the ball. Instead, you can air drag it to the checkpoint.

Level 9

Don't let the curve scare you. The same fundamentals apply. Treat it as if you were dribbling on level ground. Once you're past the corner, flick into the checkpoint.

Level 10

Pretty simple jump and catch. Before you jump, make sure the ball is perfectly still (no sparks) on the hood of your car in the center. You want to have the ball travelling the exact same speed as your car so that when you jump minimal adjustment is needed once you land.

Level 11

To get past this level, you'll need to use a backflip flick. Have the ball sit further back on the hood. When you get closer to the checkpoint, hold down jump (not tap) then backflip. 

If you are using a longer car like the dominus, then you can get away with only front flip flicking.

As always, before flicking, you want the ball to be steady, otherwise, you'll miss the flick or your flick will be very weak.

Level 12

Similar to level 8, you can air drag the ball to the checkpoint rather than waiting for the ball to land and catching it.

Level 13

Boost towards the ball and carry it on the right hand side. Do not wait for the triangles to move. Instead, you'll boost past the first triangle, then do a 45 degree flick towards the checkpoint before you approach the 2nd triangle. 

Level 14

Go as fast as you can driving in a straight line down the middle. There should be no need to wait for the pillars.

Level 15 

Like level 11, you'll use a backflip flick to get past the wall. The good thing about this level is the ball's starting position is more aligned with your car, so you should have an easier time balancing it.

Level 16

This one is tricky. It's best if you have a directional air roll bound so that you can immediately tornado spin the right direction and position. When pushing the ball up the wall, go supersonic, don't slow down. When you hit the ball up, jump off the wall and tornado spin (or air roll) towards the ball. Aim for light taps and try to match the speed of the ball, you'll have an easier time catching it.

Level 17

Standard jump and catch. Go at a moderate speed, don't rush.

Level 18

Immediately start boosted towards the right side and jump over the ledge quickly. There's a certain angle at which you dribble at that will allow you to go in-between both pillars without any conflict. Having a steady ball is key here as you don't have much horizontal room to work it, so you don't want to make big adjustments otherwise you'll fall off the surface. When you approach the two pillars ahead, you can either wait for them to pass by gradually slowing down or you can flick the ball quickly when you see an opening.

Level 19

Simple level. For the first drop, single jump. For the second drop, you can either just let your car fall or you can jump down. 

Level 20

Stick to the right hand side and go at a moderate to fast pace. As you get towards the end, you may have to slow down a bit. 

Level 21

Again don't let the curve scare you. Just treat it as a normal level path and you will be fine. 

Level 22

It's key to keep a steady speed. Although there are ramps, as long as you stay in the center of the white circle under the car, you'll have no problems completing this level. Try not to panic as you go up and down the hills.

Level 23

This level also requires a steady speed and patience when starting out. It's crucial that you have the ball completely steady, otherwise you will swerve out of control. You may have a preferred side that will make it slightly easier to go through the level. I prefer going to the right side.

Level 24

This one's a bit of a long level so pace yourself. My tip is to go at a consistent speed and start changing sides as you go rather than stopping and slowing down, waiting for the triangles to move. When approaching the triangle, try following where the triangle is rather than driving towards the empty space to account for the time you'll need to get there. 

Level 25

Basically level 21 but slightly harder. The road is slightly thinner, making any mistake much more noticeable. Do your best to keep your calm.

Level 26

This one demands a lot of control, you'll need to be able to turn swiftly while keeping the ball steady, and catching and jumping. There isn't really a "hack" for this one except practicing the basics.

Level 27

Go supersonic speed. As long as you go fast enough, you won't collide with the pillars or the moving wall. For the second part of this level, you want to time your arrival so that the moving wall resets just as you start to drive on the path. A key part of this level is speed, if you slow down, you'll get caught trying to evade pillars and the moving wall will catch up to you.    

Level 28

This level will test your ability to pick up speed and slow down. Dribble to the far right and make sure to go supersonic so that you are able to get to the right ledge before the moving wall pushes you off. Slow down, then wait for the second wall to pass you, in which then you'll build up speed quickly and travel laterally to the left. Once on the left side, you'll need to make a sharp right turn. You will have to slow down a bit in order to get the turn. Build up speed so that you arrive on the right side before the third moving wall pushes you out. Now start dribbling towards the checkpoint. Try flicking the ball so that it gets there faster before the moving wall resets.

Level 29

In my opinion, this is by far the hardest level (not level 30) so don't be discouraged. There is not much to say about this one except to get your timing right when approaching the moving pillars. The hills will mess with your perception of how fast or slow you are going, so make sure to pay attention to the white circle beneath you.

Level 30

Steady is key to getting past this level. Although the ground and walls seem to be moving, it does not impact much, so don't feel intimidated. You really want your jump and catches to be as clean as possible, as any time spent trying to readjust after your catch will cause you to be late for the next obstacle. 


Here's a video of me completing the challenge in about 12 minutes. I struggled a little on some levels however it should give you a general idea of what to do for each level.

General Tips

- If this is your first time trying this Dribble Map, take it in chunks. Don't spend an hour of your life trying to complete the whole thing in one go. Unless you're extremely talented, you'll end up frustrating yourself and experience fatigue. Try it every one in a while throughout the day for 15-30 minutes, and remember to take breaks. 

- Make sure to challenge yourself for improvement. Don't do what's easy, do what you struggle with most.

- Except some time to be able to complete this map in one go. I was about plat/diamond when I started working on this map. In the beginning, I could only reach level 3. But as time went on, I was able to unlock more levels, and soon enough, after about a month of consistent practice, I was able to complete the challenge for the first time in roughly an hour. Even today I am working towards a better time, or dedicating certain levels to practicing air dribbles and flicks.

Those are all my tips for this Dribble Challenge #2. Hopefully this helps you get started in your Rocket League training journey! Check back next week for more Rocket League tips and stories. Thanks for reading.


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